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How to manage Left-overs?

 We usually have left-over foods at our home, so rather than wasting them we can create a really delicious dish with them. They can be re-cooked into a tasty meal. We have shared few left-over food ideas which can help you in the future. You can find the recipes of the following foods in the Internet. What can you make with the left-over rice? Idli recipe from cooked rice Rice pakora Rice cutlet  Lemon rice Tamarind rice Fried rice recipe Curd rice Tawa pulao Schezwan fried rice Masala rice What can you make with left-over rotis? Roti Lasagna Roti Chivda Rotis with Scrambled egg Chapati chips with yoghurt dip Roti porridge

Healthy snacks for weight loss

 Everyone on their weight loss journey want to eat something healthy but tasty which could satisfy their craving too and fulfill their calorie intake goal. So there are some healthy snacks recommended for you so that you could enjoy your food without being worried.

  • Boiled chicken salad
  • Soya wrap filled with veggies
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Whole wheat toast with canned fish
  • Protein smoothie
  • Oatmeal
  • Popcorn
  • Roasted chickpeas
  • Spicy avocardo
  • Olives with feta cheese
  • Turkey roll ups
  • Cheese with crackers or fruit
  • Chia pudding
  • Cherry tomatoes and mozzarella
  • Dark chocolate and almonds
  • Apple slices with peanut butter
  • Cottage cheese and fruits
  • Mixed nuts
You can find the recipes of the above given snacks by searching on internet.


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